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The Sanctuary at Smith Island

Some people think I am a dreamer.  I am.  I am also a manifestor and my dreams can be seen all around me.....  The Sanctuary is one of these dreams.  This is a place where a shared vision mixed with compassion, empathy and fun becomes a place of magic!  This is my world.  I am in the early stages now.  Gathering the buildings and creating spaces to welcome those who are ready to join in co-creating. 


This community will be strong in the 5D and 6D interplay of love and co-creation.  This is showing up in our no-dig gardens, our inclusion of the islands own offerings for re-building the land (bushes, trees and grasses for mulch, wildlife, artesian wells for clean water, found things at the dump for building) and the synchronicities that align all those finding us and joining.


Please feel free to contact me for a visit.  To come and join in the vision of an abundant and ever expanding reality.


Building the Smith Island Retreat Sanctuary

At some point I just stopped trying to have my own agenda.  It was then I realized how much easier it is to follow the guidance I am always receiving in my heart.  The benefit of this guidance is I don't have to doubt myself.  I love this.  When others say they are worried, I say it will work out.  Knowing God has a plan and has let me know my next step to take is enough for me.  Buying each of the properties I have acquired for the Sanctuary has followed this plan.  I never knew where the money would come from or if the sale would go through or when.  Yet every action always happened so perfectly.  No stress or problems.  

Each property has it's own needs.  All coming as a work in progress.  Even this hasn't scared me.  I had my experiences that taught me what would get me through this new challenge.  I trust in the plan to let me know what is just the next small action I can do.  It never stops amazing me how much can be done in this way....  One small action at a time.

Even when one of my buildings caught on fire and had to be completely renovated by myself and friends.  Which took a year!  Yet showed me again how powerful one action at a time is.  There were many days feeling overwhelmed when I thought of how much there was to do.  Then I'd get that little nudge to come back to my one little action in front of me and I would get busy and enjoy my life!

I look around the Sanctuary and see the momentum of life all around me.  The expansion is so visual.... From raised garden beds being built and filled to birds and ducks and pollenators returning to the land.  My gratitude is overwhelming.

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